19 Jun 2023

Oh Holy Night, Nativity

I don’t normally do life updates on here, preferring to keep my blog for my crafty exploits, but several people have asked how I am getting on after my hip replacement surgery, so I decided to do an update here.

Today is 9 weeks to the day since my op and I’m doing great.

I can’t say I’m completely pain free, but the pain I have is totally different from the bone on bone pain I had before. 

It’s muscular and nerve pain now and I’m told that it can carry on for around 18 months as things inside heal, but it’s not constant and I can cope with that. 

I saw my consultant last Monday and he is very happy with the way things have gone and he wants to see my again in one year, so it’s all looking good.   I also had the tests at the hospital last week for the heart murmur that they found when doing my op.  I didn’t even know I had a murmur as I’ve had no problems, so I just have to wait for the results now and see if they need to follow up with any treatment.

Can I just say to anyone reading this, who might be concerned and dithering about have a hip replacement themselves, I would say go for it.  The small amount of pain while recovering (which will eventually go)  far outweighs the many years of pain that just gets worse.  My life has already changed for the better in the 9 short weeks since my operation and I’m so pleased I had it done.

No then, onto to the crafty stuff, and I’m doing a happy dance today……..well, in so much as my new hip will let me that is,  and it’s all because I have a big finish.

Last night I stitched the final bead onto ‘Oh Holy Night, Nativity, from Stony Creek and it’s been a long time in the stitching.

Here is where I left it last time, with just some border, backstitching and beading to do.

And this is it all finished.

My progress tracker tells me that I started it on Christmas Eve 2021 and stitched on it 8 times that year.   22 times in 2022 and 31 times this year, so a total of 61 days.

Or two months of stitching, which sounds better than two years!!

It’s stitched on a piece of specially dyed 36ct linen from Nicholas Flamel Design (on Etsy), using the called for Anchor and Glissen Gloss threads with a few compatible DMC’s thrown in, and embellished with the called for Mill Hill Beads.


Now I just have to get it to the framers.


Happy Stitching!




  1. Sue..that is fabulous! I'm sure you can't wait to get it framed and hanging on a wall!

    1. Thank you Stasi. Yes, I can't wait. I've given it a wash over the weekend and will take it to the framers on Wednesday because they are closed until then. xx

  2. O Holy Night is gorgeous, Sue. Well done on your finish! Glad to hear your hip surgery and recovery is going well.

    1. Thank you Robin, I'm pleased it's finished. I'm not one for having lots of Wips on the go, so I feel I can have a new start now! xx
