I started knitting
this pair of socks using the ‘Seeing Stripes’ sock pattern from West Yorkshire
Spinners and Rico, Supeba Fair Isle 4 ply, back in February last year and almost made it
down to the toe on the first sock. But because I wasn’t particularly happy with my choice of yarn, I put it to one side and couldn't bring myself to pick it up again. That feeling didn't go away and lasted for the rest of the year, so it wasn't until I set myself a challenge for January, that I went back and picked them up again.
So what was the big challenge?
I decided that I was going to work on every wip (work in progress) that I have during the month, something I’m able to achieve because I only had 7 brought forward from 2024 and the plan was to put at least one thread in each of the six cross stitch projects and finally finish the part knitted socks.
I won’t lie, I had to force myself to pull them out, but once I did, I finished the first sock and completely knitted the second sock in just two days.
But can you spot the mistake?
Silly me started the first sock with a 1 x 1 rib and the second sock with a 2 x 2 rib, but fortunately they are for me and there’s no way I’m going to pull one out and re-knit it.
Moving on to the cross stitch wip’s that I carried over;
The first thing I pulled out was the ‘Bee Contained Stitching Box' by Betsy Morgan from the Inspirations ‘Helping Hands 2’ book.
I started this in August 2023 and didn’t pick it up at all last year. I think the 1 over 1 stitching was putting me off but once I got back into it, I really enjoyed working on it and have nearly finished the largest piece of the stitching.
Next, I worked on Log Cabin Christmas from Little House Needleworks, which I started in April last year.
This is a 9 part piece, so I had a mini new start for this and stitched on part 4 – In The Woods Bear.The next project was another multi part piece and that was ‘ A Gathering of Samplers’ from the Ackworth Collection, which consists of 12 little Quaker Samplers that go together to make a book.
Again, it involved another new start and that was pages 5 & 6 of the book. I came very close to a finish on this too.Sing For Joy from Cottage Garden Samplings was next up
and I had not stitched on it since starting it as part of my 12 in12 New Years Eve starts in December 2023.Project 6 was another
Christmas stitch, ‘Toy Shopee’, which is a Diamentions Kit.
I started it November 2024 and got to here,
but it’s hard going as
anyone who has stitched one of these kits knows, …….the changes of stitches and
number of threads used for those stitches can be a bit confusing sometimes.
None the less, I made some good progress on it.
Last up was ‘My Stitching Box’, another multi part project from Jeanette Douglass.
Again, it involved another mini start for part 2, which was the lid of the box.
If I had to choose a favourite designer, I think hands down it would have to be Jeanette. I just love how delicate her designs look and the subtle colours she uses.
So, it's not been a bad start to the year, but that wasn’t it for January. I also had 3 other new starts, one of which was the year long stitch-a-long ‘ All Year Round Sal.
Then there was my 12 in 25 Christmas ornament
and my new Chatelaine
and last but not least I had one fully finish, which was the Country Charm Cushion.
I wonder if I can keep
the pace up during February…..you’ll have to watch this space!
Happy Crafting!
The socks are awesome, even with the 1 x 1 and 2 x 2 difference. I say perfect is the enemy of good enough! I applauded your working on your WIP’s. I know some stitchers have tons of WIPs and continue to have tons of starts. I too having been working to get my WIP’s done. Funny isn’t when you pick it up and it takes you two days to finish …..why’d did we put is down? Your Betsy Morgan piece is beautiful. I too love Jeannette Douglas, her designs and colors are so gorgeous Great progress on all your WIP’s. You can keep it up for February and maybe some will even be finished. R.
ReplyDeleteThanks for stopping by Robin, you continuing support is really appreciated. I can't get my head around why people want to have so many wips on the go. As much as love 'all the things' I would rather work on just a few things that I love and get some finishes up my wall, which is the whole reason for wanting to stitching them. Happy Stitching! Sue xx
DeleteSue, you have been a busy bee....your Bee Contained is coming along very nicely. I love the little Quaker book...it will be so cute when finished!
ReplyDeleteI really need to get on with Bee Contained, especially now that I know about your connection to it!! And that Quaker book too. That's been sitting around since 2023, so it's time it was finished. Happy Stitching! Sue xx
DeleteWow! So many beautiful projects, Sue. As a one-at-a-time stitcher, I can't imagine, but you'd certainly always have something at the ready to pick up and stitch if you got bored with another project. The socks are lovely and your fully finished hare pillow looks fabulous! Hope your week is going well! ♥
ReplyDeleteI was close to a one-at-a-time stitcher too not so long ago Carol, but somehow that changed. I'm not sure how and if I'm honest, I'm not happy having too many wips on the go but as you say, I don't bored! Happy Stitching! Sue xx