29 Oct 2023

A frustrating Week!

 To say I’m fed up is an understatement, and still not being able to stitch due to my painful hand, it's had me pulling my hair out in frustration this week!

I know that resting it is the key to recovery but I'm inpatient and  just had to stich, so I decided to start a Mill Hill Christmas Ornament. 

My Goddaughter has two small girls and it’s become a tradition that I stitch them each an ornament every Christmas.  

Last year they had Mill Hill Snowmen and this year they are 

getting Jim Shore Santas.  I stitched the first one in September.

The second one was going to be my 12 in 23 ornament for October and I really needed to get it done and dusted.

I pulled out Christmas Cheer Santa and made a small start, but it wasn’t to be and I had to put it away again.

That has been the extent of the stitching I was able to do, so I guess I just have to be patient!


Happy Stitching!




  1. Oh Sue, your Santa start looks good. I am sorry your hand is still giving you pain, but you are right about letting it rest. Have you considered wearing a brace to wear when you stitch?

    1. Thanks for your kind comments Robin. I do have a brace but it doesn't really seem to do much to be honest. I guess I just have to wait it out. The only problem is when I not stitching, I seem to be eating, Lol!!

  2. That must be beyond frustrating, Sue! I remember when I had a problem with tendonitis in both hands, I about went crazy not being able to stitch as much as I normally did. The ornaments for your goddaughter's children are all so sweet. I'm sure they love receiving them each year.

    I want to thank you for your kind comment on my blog. For some reason you come through as a "no-reply" blogger so I can't send you a thank you email, but I appreciate your thoughts and your sweet remark about my house. We have lived here for the past 40 years--hard to believe. I know the day will come when it will be too big for us with the stairs and yard, but, for now, I love it, too :)

    Hope you heal quickly ♥

    1. That's very kind Carol. I think the reason you can't reply is due to blogger. When they changed things a year or so ago, It wouldn't let me use the email I had always used because it was attached to another account. I was never able to resolve the problem and they changed it to a temporary account for some reason and that is how it has stayed. If you are on Instagram, PM me at idratherbestitchin and I'll give you me email address.

  3. Not sure what happened to the comment I previously started, but if you get that, just disregard and go with this one. :) Sorry your wrist is still bothering you. I know it is hard to be patient, but sometimes if you rush things, other issues can arise. Hang in there and just do what you can do!
