19 Oct 2024

When I Dream of Autumn – Puntini Puntini

The last couple of days here in the UK have been beautiful and I’ve been making the most of them in my garden, because it’s unusual to have temperatures of 22 degrees this late in October.

And speaking of Autumn, it was a good time to finish and fully finish ‘When I Dream of Autumn’ from  Puntini Puntini, 

I love Paola’s designs for this set of seasons and how they come with two buttons for finishing and a matching set of pins to purchase that go with each of them.

I finished the edge of my little pillow with a crocheted picot edge, that I made using a skein of DMC cotton pearl.

While I had my sewing machine out I decided to get a couple other bits FFO’d that have been sitting around waiting to be done.

The first was stitched in November last year, but because Halloween had already been and gone, it was put in the unfinished box of doom.

This is ‘Smell My Feet’ from La-D-Da.

The other thing I pulled out was ‘Black Sampler 2021, from Whilst Iris Naps.

Originally I had planned to put this on a spool but because I didn’t have one, I decided to make a little bolster pillow instead and pinned the sampler along the top.

Then it was time for a new start, and I pulled out Log Cabin Christmas from Little House Needleworks.

 Happy Stitching!



 Project Details

Chart – When I Dream of Autumn

Designer – Puntini Puntini

Fabric – 14ct – Mystery Aida

Threads – Some called for DMC and various threads from stash


Chart – Smell My Feet

Designer – La-D-Da

Fabric – 36ct One of a kind linen – Roxy Floss Co

Threads – Silky (Black) & DMC’s


Chart – Black Sampler 2021

Designer – Whilst Iris Naps

Fabric – 36ct Millstone Linen  - Lagacy Fiber Artz

Threads – Silky (Black)  Roxy Floss Co, The Gentle Art & Classic Colorworks


Chart – Log Cabin Bunnies (part 2 of Log Cabin Christmas)

Designer – Little House Needleworks

Fabric – 32ct ‘Raw’ Belfast Linen

Threads – Classic ColorWorks

15 Oct 2024

Spooky Owl – Shannon Christine Designs

You’ve gotta love this cute little owl!

He was one of a set of four ‘Halloween Silhouettes’ charts from Shannon Christine, that I came across in an old copy (246) of ‘The World of Cross Stitching’.

He was a hoot to stitch……..sorry, I couldn’t resist  Lol …….and a great way to use up a mystery scrap of linen and some left over mill hill beads.

I found the hanging pumpkin board in Hobby Craft and gave it a quick coat of orange paint before mounting the little fellow in the centre.

The chart is available  Here. 

 Happy Stitching!



13 Oct 2024

O Tannenbaum! – Brenda Gervais

 This is a project that has been almost 10 months in the making because I started all five pieces as part of my 12 x 12 stitch on New Years Eve last year and I’m happy to report that it’s now all stitched and fully finished.

A few of the panels I finished stitching earlier in the year but I still had a couple to finish, and this week was the week.

Santa was here, the last time you saw him

and the panel with the bigger house was here.

Here they are completed and ready for finishing.

At first I was contemplating finishing them as pillows instead of the little flat finishes that the chart states, mainly because I wasn’t sure I would be able to get the box over here.  Luckily I found one, although the configuration is a little different, so I eventually finished them as suggested.
I’m not a fan of gluing this type of thing together, so they were all hand stitched using this cute fabric I found in a fat quarter stack in HobbyCraft.

While I had my finishing bits and bobs out, I also FFO’d ‘Joy’, my 12 in 24 Christmas Ornament.

Again, this was hand stitched together and edged with some Red Chenille wool that I also picked up while in HobbyCraft.


Happy Stitching!




Project Details

Chart - 0 Tannenbaum!

Designer  – Brenda Gervais

Fabric – 36ct Heartland – Picture This Plus

Threads – Called for – Weeks Dye Works, Classic Colorworks and Gentle Arts Sampler Threads

Chart – Joy

Designer – Misty Pursel – Luminous Fiber Arts

Fabric – 36ct Linen – Mill Stone – Legacy Fiber Artz

Threads – ‘On Holiday’ Roxy Floss Co – 2022 Holiday Countdown Box

2 Oct 2024

Joy - Luminous Fibre Arts

 As we head into October, the weather is getting wetter and colder, although up to now I’ve resisted turning on the heating.  That to me says we're getting into the darker and what seems like longer months of the year and I’m not ready for that just yet!

 Mind you I shouldn’t complain, when I think about all the poor people in the states who are having to cope with the terrible destruction caused by hurricane Helene .  I can’t begin to imagine how you face and cope with something like that and I know it’s no consolation, but material things can be replaced in time, you can’t replace you, so stay safe and well.  I’ve already seen on social media, groups offering to help replace ‘stitchy things’ for those that may have lost everything, proving once again that our on-line community have big hearts and are willing to help in any way they can…….angels, every one of them!

September was a good month for me stitching wise, as I had three new starts and 4 finishes, one of which got me ahead of the game because it was Christmas ornament for Octobers 12 in 24 challenge with Carol from Stitching Dream Blogspot

(sorry I've not ironed anything this morning)

This was first time I’ve stitched one of Misty’s designs from  Luminous Fiber Arts  and it was the cute freebie she gave us at the Jingle Ball last year, called 'Joy'. 

I stitch it on a scrap piece of 36ct ‘Mill Stone’  linen from Legacy Fiber Artz and used left over thread from my 2022 Holiday Countdown from Evertote in the colour ‘On Holiday’.

I'm adding in a little update here because I FFO'd this on 12/10/24.

I also made some great progress on my birthday start, the ‘Newcastle Bouquet Biscornu’ from Teresa Kogut.  This is where it was the last time you saw it.

I finished the top panel and have made a start to bottom.

Of course, now we are into a new month I had to have a new start for October and decided to go with ‘When I Think of Autumn’ from Puntini Puntini.

I’ve had the chart, buttons and pins tucked away for some time, so yesterday I got it out and made a good start on it, although I’ve just noticed that my ‘M’ is one row short, so I’ll have to do a little bit of frogging the next time I pick it up.


Happy Stitching!



Project Details

Chart – Joy

Designer – Misty Pursel – Luminous Fiber Arts

Fabric – 36ct Linen – Mill Stone – Legacy Fiber Artz

Threads – ‘On Holiday’ Roxy Floss Co – 2022 Holiday Countdown Box

Chart – Newcastle Bouquet Biscornu

Designer – Teresa Kogut - Creative Whims

Fabric – 36ct Linen – Baby Sheep – X JuDesigns

Threads – Called For – Classic Color Works, Weeks Dye Works & DMC

Chart – When I Think of Autumn

Designer – Puntini Puntini

Fabric – 14ct – Mystery Aida

Threads – Some called for DMC and various other threads from stash

23 Sept 2024

Prairie Schooler Santa 1991

 Just a quick post today.

As I mentioned in my update yesterday, I only had a small amount of stitching left to do on my latest Prairie Schooler Santa, for the 12 in 24 Christmas Ornament SAL hosted by Carol over at Stitching Dream Blogspot 

Last night I pulled it out and finished it.

Project Details

Chart -  Santa’s Revisited – 1991 Santa

Designer -  Prairie Schooler

Fabric – 18ct Aida – Tea/Coffee Dyed by myself

Threads – Called for DMC’s

Updated with Finishing - 20th October 2024

Happy Stitching!



22 Sept 2024

Mrs Parkman’s Needlework Academy – A B C Sampler

 It’s been another fun week of stitching and I have another finish to share.

This time it’s the piece I was working on for Sampler September and that was the 'ABC Sampler' from Nicola Parkman of Hands Across the Sea Samplers

It was a lot of fun following the free on-line tutorial.

Some stitches, like French Knots, Smyrna Cross and Satin Stitch I have worked many times and there were others like Feather & Double Feather Stitch, Berlin Lace Work and Turkey Knot Stitch I had never encountered before, so it was interesting learning some new stitches.

I already have an idea for fully finishing, which I hope to get done in the coming week, along with a couple of other bits that need doing, so I’ll be pulling out the sewing machine.

Chart -  ABC Sampler – Hands Across the Sea

Fabric – 36ct Linen – Dunes at Dust – Legacy Fiber Artz

Threads – Gloriana Silk.


I also worked on my birthday start, and have made good

progress on the top square of the Newcastle Bouquet Biscornu from Teresa Kogut.

Teresa’s choice of threads on this are simply beautiful.

Chart -  Newcastle Bouquet Biscornu

Fabric – 36ct Linen – Baby Sheep – X JuDesigns

Threads – Called For – Classic Colorworks, Weeks Dye Works & DMC

 Finally, I received 4 new to me Blackbird charts that I’ve re-homed from the talented Lainey Main  on Instagram.

The one that first caught my eye was ‘Flowers For You’ because it reminds me of sweet peas and they were my mums favourite flowers. Needless to say, I’ll be stitching this one in her honour.

Then there was the ‘Home for the Holidays’ Book and two more Christmas charts, so lots for get working on!

So that’s it for my update this week. 

I’m still working on my September ornament, which will be finished this evening and then it’s back to my Biscornu, so until next time………

Happy Stitching!




9 Sept 2024

Prairie Schooler Santa 2023

As you already know from my last post, the last month was spent just stitching on my Chatelaine, in an effort to get it finished, and that in turn had an impact on all the other wips and sals that I wanted to stitch on.

Now I've completed my  Chatelaine, it was time to play catch up and the first thing I picked up was my August Christmas ornament for the #12in24ornamentstitchalong with Carol from Stitching Dream Blogspot

No surprises here, because I’m working my way through the Prairie Schooler Santa’s this year,  and the one for August is from 2023.

Updated 20th October 2024 with finishing

With that finished I went right on and made a start on the one from 1991, for my September ornament and this is where I am with it.

This afternoon I’m going to be putting the first stitches into my 68th birthday start.

I had hoped I would be starting my new Chatelaine but unfortunately that hasn’t happened because although I have most of the threads, my linen still hasn’t arrived.

Instead I pulled out a Terese Kogut chart that I’ve had kitted up for some time and that’s the Newcastle Bouquet Biscornu.

This will be my first attempt at a biscornu, so I keeping everything crossed that I can manage the finishing of it.

At some point I would like to stitch the Newcastle Bouquet Sampler too, which was one of Teresa's first sampler designs but that’s something for the future.


Happy Stitching!

