9 Sept 2023

Best Made Plans Take A Nose Dive!

 Happy Birthday to me, happy birthday to me………..how on earth did I get to 67 so quickly!!

I was supposed to be in France this weekend, but thanks to a car bomb scare at the channel tunnel yesterday and a 6 hour lock in, we didn’t end up going.

We were the lucky ones because we made it into the air conditioned terminal at 10am and at 10:30 they locked everyone in.  Our friends weren’t so lucky and were stuck outside in their car for 4 hours before being turned away.

At 4:30 we were given the all clear and the option to continue onward or cancel and re-book and we chose the latter, as the other four were already on their way home.

I’m really disappointed but these thing happen I guess, and the way I see it is that everyone is safe. It was such a shame, especially as I missed the same trip in April because of my hip replacement.

So today I’m going to do nothing but sit in the garden and stitch!!

My birthday start was going to be Might Acorn from Blackbird Designs, but my fabric still hasn't arrived, so instead I'm going to start 'Which Witch' from La-D-Da.

I purchased it as a kit, complete with project bag, chart, Roxy Floss (Vampish) and 28ct Linen (Ooak) from Evertote.

Just look  at all those Black kitties in the windows and on the roof!

I treated myself to a couple of other little pressies too.

Two lovely ‘Autumn project bags from Pauline, SewBeBags on Instagram, and she included a sweet little grime guard too, which was a nice surprise.

The other things were these two little wool felt kits.

I had been eyeing up the needle case for a little while, then I noticed the sewing pouch as well, and before I knew what had happened my finger hit ‘buy it now’ Lol!

Happy Stitching!




  1. Happy birthday wishes to you, Sue! Hope you have a good day celebrating even if your trip was cancelled. What a nice birthday choice!

    1. Thanks Robin. Just a quiet weekend now, but that's fine. Happy Stitching! Sue x

  2. Happy Birthday Sue! So sorry your plans fro France did not work out...again! Hopefully it will happen and smoothly in the near future. Your birthday treats are very cute. I wish you a wonderful day spent enjoying your passion.

  3. That's Stasi. I'm beginning to think this trip isn't meant to happen. Even before Friday it was looking as if one couple would not be going because Tony was rushed to hospital with a suspected heart attack but fortunately that didn't turn out to be the case. Third time lucky, I hope, Lol! Happy Stitching! Sue x
