3 Sept 2023

August Round-up

 I love it at the end of the month when you look back to see just how much you accomplished over the past few weeks.

I finished the month with 7 FFO’s, I think that’s a record for me!

I worked on two Wip’s, both of which were FFO’d.  They were ‘A Kiss for Snowman’ & ‘Prairie Schooler Santa 1995’

One was a stitch back from the framers, Oh Holy Night

And I had 6 new starts, 4 of which were FFO’d.

‘I Would Rather Be Stitching’, ‘Reindeer Clasic Christmas Ornament’, ‘ A Bee C’ and ‘Honey Faire’

 The other two new starts that will now carry over into my wips are Be Contained Etui and Autumn Dream

 So all in all, not a bad month.


Sampler September hasn’t got off to a good start because I and still waiting for my fabric to arrive from 123 stitch, but I have all the called for threads, so I’m ready go as soon as it drops through my door.

 I’m going to do ‘Mighty Acorn’ from Blackbird Designs, Winds of Autumn book.

I did still have a new start on the 1st September though.

Stacy, the 911 Stitcher was having a little challenge in her Facebook group, so I decided to join in.

The brief was to stitch on something (new or a wip) that contains something that begins with a letter from S,E,P,T,E,M,B,E,R, over the weekend (Friday to Sunday) or stitch 500 stitches over that time.

I went with the letters and started ‘Gossamer Slipper’,

a kit from Bothy Threads.  It has Black Cats, a Pumpkin, a Shoe and Spiders, so I think I’m covered, although the cats are more Grey than Black!


I decided to change the 14ct white Aida in the kit  for some Mauve 36ct Linen from Coffee Craft Fabrics.  


Happy Stitching!




  1. You had a very productive August, Sue! Love all your finishes and upcoming projects.

    1. It's surprising what you can accomplish when you put your mind to it!

  2. Sue, you had a fabulous month for August. Awesome! What a wonderful assortment of projects!

    1. Thanks for stopping by again Robin. It's not until you look back, you realise just how much you managed to get done!! Happy Stitching! Sue x

  3. You certainly did have a productive month. Everything you stitched and finished is just lovely.
    I could be SO tempted to pull out my BD Winds of, Autumn book and start that lovely sampler.
    I was watching a floss tube where she stitched a blue house. So pretty.
    Happy stitching,

  4. Hi Margaret, Thanks for stopping by my blog and leaving a message. I get lots of views but not many comments, so it's nice to find someone else who still blogs regularly as blogging doesn't seem to so popular these days. I'll let you know when my fabric arrives and may be we can do a stitch-along of the sampler. Happy Stitching Sue x PS. I've just started following your blog.
