30 Aug 2023

Autumn Dream – Cottage Garden Samplings

Can you believe that we only have one day of summer left and then it’s autumn and the countdown to Christmas.

For me, that means it’s time to start on some autumn stitching and a new start.

Autumn Dream from Cottage Garden Samplings is no 11 in the ‘The Songbirds Garden’ series and this will be the 6th one I’ve stitched.

I’m using all the called for Weeks Dye Works threads but I was unable to track down the 36ct Sanguine  linen, so I asked my favourite dyer, Tamás, of Nicholas Flamel Designs, to dye a piece in a similar colour for me.

Here’s my start.

Other plans include working some more on the re-stitch of Celtic Autumn, in the autumn colour conversion, as well as a couple of smalls.

I also want to find myself a birthday start, possibly from the Winds of Autumn book from Blackbird Designs, but I need to get a move on, because my birthday is in just 10 days time!

Happy Stitching!




  1. I'm not a 'bird' lover, but these charts from Cottage Garden are so beautiful. You're off to a great start!

    1. This was the first series that started stitching and there was only one in the set of twelve that I didn't like. I can't remember off hand what number it was but it looked like tulips and they were stripy! They didn't seem to fit in with the others. Happy Stitching! Sue x

  2. Lovely choice and start for your autumn stitching, Sue!

  3. I do love all the autumn shades and this year I seem to gone ott with them. Thanks for stopping by Robin. Happy Stitching! Sue x
